
Pichet Klunchun bridges traditional Thai Classical Dance language with contemporary sensibility, while keeping the heart and wisdom of the convention. He trained in Thai Classical Mask Dance, Khon, from age 16 with Chaiyot Khummanee, one of the best Khon masters in Thailand. After receiving his degree in Thai Classical Dance at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, he pursued theater both as dance and choreographer at high-profile ceremonies of Asian Games in Bangkok 1998. Subsequently, he also worked with contemporary dance. Klunchun has earned domestic notoriety for his efforts in contemporizing Khon. He has recently participated in several intercultural performing arts programs as an international dance-choreographer in North America, Asia, and Europe.


The Spirits of Maritime Crossing


Marina Abramović and Pichet Klunchun, The Spirits of Maritime Crossing, 2022. Single screening, performed by Marina Abramović and Pichet Klunchun, directed by Apinan Poshyananda, stereo, 34.27 min. Still from video. Commissioned by Bangkok Art Biennale Foundation. Courtesy the Artists. © Bangkok Art Biennale Foundation

Pichet Klunchun bridges traditional Thai Classical Dance language with contemporary sensibility, while keeping the heart and wisdom of the convention. He trained in Thai Classical Mask Dance, Khon, from age 16 with Chaiyot Khummanee, one of the best Khon masters in Thailand. After receiving his degree in Thai Classical Dance at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, he pursued theater both as dance and choreographer at high-profile ceremonies of Asian Games in Bangkok 1998. Subsequently, he also worked with contemporary dance. Klunchun has earned domestic notoriety for his efforts in contemporizing Khon. He has recently participated in several intercultural performing arts programs as an international dance-choreographer in North America, Asia, and Europe.